Sunday, September 26, 2010

kitty tales

So we have this cat. This is what she looks like:

Funny story about this cat...we kind of stole her. My husband found her around my old apartment complex right after we got engaged. She looked thin, had what seemed like an abundance of fleas, and seemed so eager for attention that after a few days of giving her milk, my soon-to-be husband felt so sorry for her that I agreed with him that she needed to be adopted. Well, big mistake. After a few days we learned that she was fixed, de-clawed, and her natural reaction to new people was to be eager for attention. Whoops. We named her Whiskers, because that's just the natural name for a cat.

Fast forward a year and half later. We still have said kitty, and sometimes she's sweet:

But most of the time, she's a bitch. I mean really, this lady thinks she rules the roost. She eats when she wants to (or annoys us so badly that we give in and feed her), sleeps where ever she wants to--including about half of our bed each night, plays with whatever she wants to play with, and gives this slightly demonic expression every now and then:

Just scary. What's even scarier is her wintertime habit of mouse catching. Since we live on a farm, there's a natural tendency for more mice to be around our house, it just seems that this gets worse in the winter. They enter in a certain spot, where you will find Whiskers 90% of the time:

There's only one problem with her mouse catching adventures. She does a great job catching the mice (which is pretty gross) just has a lot of trouble killing them. It's disturbing. She just brings them to us. I have proof:

That was in our bedroom, and yes, that's a real mouse; it's possibly the only one she's ever killed. Normally she brings them alive to us, any time of the day or night I suppose to get a reward for her good work. I normally scream and make my husband kill it. But let's just say that with the cooler weather right around the corner and the inevitable mouse invasion looming, I'm hoping that our kitty's mouse-catching behavior is a little more mature than it was last winter.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Ok. I've failed again. No post in 5 months, and trust me, there's been plenty going on for me to chat about! I primarily blame my job, which doesn't seem to be getting any less stressful (I'm 9 months into it, I would have thought that by now things would be easier, or at least better?). Working roughly 60 hour weeks does get time-consuming, especially when the remaining time is devoted to eating and sleeping (I have priorities) and then house renovating. We've made great progress on the house--I mean, it's been 3 months, let's hope there's progress--so I'll do my best to get updates on all of our projects, plus other fun things I've discovered in newlywed life.

BUT this time I have several friends who are venturing into blogland with me, so I feel confident I can stick with it this time...if nothing else than for us to all keep up with our crazy lives!