Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Puppy Talk

Hi friends, in case you've missed the picture, we got a puppy!  Slightly spur of the moment for us, but we've talked about getting one for at least a year now and had really been waiting until we felt more settled to dive into puppydom.  It helped that our 1 year anniversary is coming up next weekend, so I've been told this is my happy anniversary present.  I'd also like to especially thank those of you out there who recently got puppies (or already had dogs), this is what I think really pushed Whitney over the edge...so thanks!

A little blurry, but it's from the camera on my phone people.  It's Bulleit--appropriately named after a brand of bourbon by my husband.

Let me say, house training is nasty.  DT told me that house breaking a puppy was harder than having Whitney as a baby--and he didn't sleep through the night until he was 12.  I'm very nervous.  However, all you dog people keep telling me it's worth the pain of puppy training to have an obedient dog.  So I'll take the bad now for the good later.

Oh, there's one other slight problem with the whole situation, kitty isn't the happiest right now.  Well, she's not unhappy, she's just making sure the pup knows who is still queen of the house.


  1. The cat will win! They always do:). Walter rules with an iron fist. Congratulations on your pup and Happy Anniversary!!

  2. Congrats on the new puppy. We are house training Ruger so I feel your pain. He WAS doing good until tonight. He pooped on the rug. Sigh.
