Saturday, February 27, 2010

Less Stress

At dinner this evening with my sister, she explained that in one of her management mumbo-jumbo college books they had recently studied how stress can affect people. There was some magical chart that evaluated your impact from stress based on current life events and circumstances, and that depending on where your stress registered on the chart dictated you or your employees overall health condition and productivity. Common top stresses included various marriage issues, job changes, moving, illness, having children, etc... Since I had experienced most of the top stresses on her list, excluding illness and having children, she decided to evaluate where my current stress level was, and on a scale of 300, I scored a whopping 250. Apparently at a 200 level you run the higher risk of developing a serious illness (which I am still trying to avoid, I'm thinking this is not something you would like a perfect score in). Aside from my new job, new town, and new marriage, my husband and I decided in young ambition to "fix-up" our "new" old house, meaning our lives have become slightly consumed with renovating a 100 year old house. While this amount of stress would worry most, we recently found a quote from Dr. Hans Selye that makes this whole journey a little easier:

“Man should not try to avoid stress any more than he would shun food, love or exercise.”

So, at the poking and prodding of many--ok maybe just a few--I am venturing back into the world of blogging. We'll consider it a little glimpse into the attempts of de-stressing and simplifying my life since it is obvious that needs to happen, with a focus on how our home renovations seem to only add to these stresses (maybe once we finish it will make things simpler?). I approach it all like this--a home, like your life, is only as strong as the foundation, and since those two seem so co-mingled in my life right now as my husband and I start many new ventures, I find it only fitting for the blog to reflect this...we'll see where the construction takes us.

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