Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Big C update

After an 11 day hiatus from the working world, I'm trying to psych myself up for tomorrow.  Yes, I realize I will be spoiled with a 3 day work week, but being out of the office that long also means mounds of paperwork and who knows how many phone calls and emails to reply to...not to mention the pile of work I still had to leave and hope to accomplish when I returned to the office this week.  Besides the obvious rest from the real world, this week of rest has made me realize something--I must be accountable to myself.  I may be the world's worst procrastinator.  Seriously (just ask my old roommates, they can attest).  Procrastination does not equal less stress in the working world, it typically equals more.  So, starting tomorrow at work I'm going to be accountable to the deadlines I set for myself and be accountable, most importantly, to the clients I work with on a daily basis.  That would be why I'm writing tonight.  It's my first effort in being accountable, because I said yesterday that I was going to update about dear DT, and I'm trying to follow through on that promise (because I know you all were checking all day to see if I had an update, right?).

Dear DT is still in Atlanta in the hospital, sadly.  She's actually doing quite well, but her doctors are waiting to see the results of some CT scans before they officially send her home.  Her surgery went very well, but 12 inches of her large intestines and rectum had to be removed.  They also removed 20 lymph nodes, and 7 of them tested positive for cancer, which puts her diagnosis in stage 3.  DT was pretty discouraged when she got the pathology results, because she was truly hoping the surgery would be the only thing she'd have to do.  Instead, she has a very long recovery and treatment process ahead of her.  She's met with a few oncologists, but is still trying to determine exactly where she wants to undergo her treatments, since she'll have 6 months of chemotherapy, with probably a full month of radiation wrapped in with her chemo.  With such an aggressive therapy ahead of her, DT's pretty nervous and is trying to stay upbeat.  The hope is that they'll send her home from the hospital tomorrow to let her fully recover for the next month before they start her treatments.  Hubby will be heading down to good old T-town over the weekend so he can help his parents out once they get home...

..so that's as brief of an update as possible on DT.  Prayers are certainly welcome right now!!

1 comment:

  1. Alright, I can maybe recall some of your best procrastination efforts (laundry, perhaps??) However, you still got all the important stuff done and managed to have a lot of fun, so that's all that really matters, right??

    Praying for all of you-- keep us posted! Love!
