Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Farmer's Daughter

For those who don't know, my husband has been on the job hunt for 10+ months.  Since he has a college degree, and has applied for at least 100 jobs, there's obviously a lot of people interested in jobs right now.  So the last few days he's taken up farming, with none other than my dear dad.

Dear gussie.

Right now is peak farming time.  Cotton needs to be picked, peanuts have to be dug then picked, and at some point soybeans will have to be harvested too.  Picking cotton is the first priority right now, and it isn't an easy process.  There's no less than 3 pieces of equipment used to just get those square things called modules you see on the side of the road made.

Someone has to operate each piece of equipment, and the more people participating, the easier (and faster) it goes.  That would be how hubby got recruited.  While my husband grew up in the Mecca of all things agricultural--Tifton, GA--he would be considered, at most, a novice for operating equipment.  However, after day one, dear dad has claimed he's learned faster anyone he's taught.  Considering that one guy who works for dear dad has attended school a total of two weeks in his life, and the other guy has worked in a dairy milking cows since he was 14, the odds were in hubby's favor. 

Of course, there's also a certain song that was popular this summer that the two of us can't quit singing right now either.

I'll get some pictures of him operating all that large equipment as soon as I can find him in a field.

1 comment:

  1. Cute! Hope Whitney can find a job soon...before your dad finds out yall are sleeping together ;)
